Health & Safety
The Health & Safety at Work Order (NI) 1978
CES Quarry Products Ltd accepts, under the provision of the Health & Safety at work legislation, responsibility for the safety and health of its employees at work and of persons liable to be affected by its operations. It further accepts its responsibility to minimise impact on the ‘environment’ by reducing emissions to the atmosphere, controlling waste and by efficient use of energy. In doing so the company expects employees to work safely and efficiently and to participate in its efforts to provide safe and healthy working conditions and practices.
In pursuance of this policy the Company will ensure so far as is reasonably practicable:
- The provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work, which are without risk to Health & Safety.
- Arrangements for ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and transport of all types of articles and substances.
- The provision of adequate and appropriate instruction, training and supervision of employees in Health & Safety in their work.
- The provision and maintenance of safe places of work and proper access to and egress from each workplace.
- The provision and maintenance of the working environments safe and without risk to health and adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees at work.
- Regular communication and consultation with employees, or their representatives, on all matters concerning their health, safety and welfare.
- Procedures to ensure that articles designed, manufactured, imported, supplied or installed by the company are safe and without risk to health, when properly used.
- Risks are identified, assessed and eliminated or controlled in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. Workplace, Work Equipment, Manual Handling, Personal Protective Equipment, Display Screen Equipment, COSHH and Noise.
- A summary of this policy is issued to all employees during induction, or safety awareness training, where the policy will be discussed in full.
- The regular review of the policy, and that any revisions are brought to the attention of employees.
- That persons to whom responsibility is delegated for the implementation and monitoring of this policy are adequately trained and competent. They are accountable to their immediate manager or supervisor.
Give us a call to discuss any requests or projects, we’ll be happy to assist.
028 9751 9494